VB015 Inspiration of Scripture 1

Inspiration and Authority
of Scripture 1

[2Tim 3:16]

2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB) All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

The word “Scripture” in 2Tim 3:16 refers primarily to the Old Testament writings (3:15). There is indication, however, that some New Testament writings were already being viewed as inspired and authorized Scripture by the time Paul wrote 2 Timothy (i.e., 1Tim 5:18, which quotes Lk 10:7; see 2Pet 3:16, note). Today, we know that “Scripture” refers to both the Old and the New Testaments. The Bible is the original message of God to mankind and the only infallible witness to God’s plan and purpose for all people.

Paul makes a positive declaration that all Scripture is inspired by God. The word “inspired” (Gk. theopneustos) comes from two Greek words: theos, meaning “God,” and pneo, meaning “to breathe.” So, “inspired” means “God-breathed.”

All Scripture is God breathed; it is the very life and Word of God. The very words of the original manuscripts, are without error, absolutely true, trustworthy, and infallible.

This is true not only when it speaks of salvation, ethical values, and morality, but it is also without error on all topics it mentions, including names, places, history, and the world.

Without a strong view of the Bible, the church has no true and sure foundation for its faith, no certainty of salvation, no moral absolutes, no message to preach without doubt. Without a clear biblical view you have, no real expectation for the baptism in the Holy Spirit or the working of miracles, and no hope for the close at hand return of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Without a strong Biblical view, Christians will not be ready to withstand the extreme difficulties of the last days to come.

Without a strong perspective of holy Scripture, the full authority and teaching of the Bible are weakened; the Bible will subsequently be replaced by human subjective religious experience or by independent and critical reasoning (2Pet 2:1-3).

Without strong Bible-believing Christians, you have no absolute and verifiable truth based on the authority of God Himself by which to judge and reject the ever-degrading values of this world, human philosophies, and the ungodly lifestyles of our society (Ps 119:158-160). And without godly people in leadership roles and centers of influence, societies fail and lawlessness abounds.

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God bless you my friend,

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