Using the Word of God for a Victorious Life

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Learn Jesus, Not Just About Him! (See, Eph 4:20)

Our Christian life is determined by our knowledge of God's Word. Get it in you! Stop stumbling and start walking.

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We must know God's will for our lives, and we must know how to use the power of His Word to be successful in life.

Everyone is so "busy" these days, that it has become difficult to take the time to make God's Word top priority in our lives. We need a place for a quick Bible reference, or a bite-sized portion of Scripture while on the go.

Victory Briefings are portable and effective. This site is very mobile friendly. You can bless a friend with God's Word. Share Victory Briefings via your smartphone.

There is so much confusion today. People do not know where to go for answers to their questions or troubles. Some are so confused, they don't know where they came from or where they are going. I call that lost.

If you have trouble with your automobile, you take it to the service area where the mechanic knows best about your make and model. You don't call a plumber!

When you have problems with your body or your mind, refer to your maker for the best advice concerning the problem. For the answers to spiritual problems, consult the owners manual, the Bible. Consult with the Holy Spirit, not a psychologist!

You have to make up your mind to study the Bible. It is amazing how few people really study and meditate on God's Word. Many seem to think that there is some magic power in the book, and that if they will just open its pages and skim over a few words, they will get good out of it. The Bible is good only because of the truth that is in it, and to see this truth demands close attention.

Take a small bite at a time and think about what it is saying. Ask God what it means. Meditate on a passage of Scripture for awhile. Nothing is more important in eating than chewing. Don't depend upon someone else to chew your spiritual food!

The main reason I attended Bible college was to learn how to study the Bible. I learned the mechanics of rightly dividing the Word and keeping things in context, etc. But I found the best help in learning God's Word is a close relationship with the Lord. As I read the Bible, I like to talk to the Author. I ask the Holy Spirit, "What did You have in mind when you inspired this verse of Scripture?" Then I wait, and meditate and listen. And He tells me. And that is how many of the Victory Briefings came about.

I hope that you are blessed and encouraged with insights for life from my topical Bible studies and short notes. I have also included some more lengthy gospel Teachings and eBooks for the good of the Body of Christ.

Use the Topical Outlines for Bible study outlines. That's where you will find many links to Scripture notes. You can also go to the Concordance to start your study quest. And don't forget to share Victory Briefings.

This link tells more About The Author.

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