If you are working for the Lord, you will exert as much effort when the boss is away as when he is there. If you please the Lord, you will please your boss. If you cannot please the boss by pleasing the Lord, you shouldn’t be working there in the first place. …VB081
Tag: Authority
God never intended for the local church to be simply a quiet, hidden body of believers. Rather, He intended for a church to be His voice and ruling power in each community. …VB062
Until now, we have been very limited in doing any works that He did while here on the earth. When we realize that we sit in the same place of authority as Christ – the Body of Christ will do the same works that Jesus did while He was on the earth. …VB061
We, the Church, are God’s governing Body on the earth. We have been given legal power from heaven and now exercise our authority. We are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth. …VB033
The more your mind is renewed to God’s Word, the more your prayers will be inline with His will for your life. You will be more confident and more powerful for His kingdom. …VB032
Jesus transferred His authority to the church. He is the head of the church, and believers are His body. The authority has to be activated through His body, which is on earth. …VB010