Those who trust in the Lord have hope, and need not fear difficulty or calamity. They know who is in control of their lives, and that He is always good and true. …VB066
Tag: Faith
Many people act as if worry was an option, as if you are free to worry if you want to. But we are not supposed to worry. Worrying is a sin! Worry is one of many things that the Word of God strictly commands us not to do. …VB065
Each saint shares in the growth of the church. Unfortunately, there are some Christians who are still babies (v. 14, see 1Cor 3:1ff), who are unstable and easily led astray. …VB063
Jesus is our example – He talked to trees, wind and waves, unclean spirits, sickness and disease. He did these things as a man, anointed by the Holy Spirit. And He sent the same Spirit to us! And gave us authority to use His name! …VB056