You should read the Bible every day as a part of your survival plan. Fill your heart to abundance with the word of God. In these last days you should make a commitment to walk in the Word. …VB129
Tag: Speaking God’s Word
God birthed this nation with covenant words and He will not lose it. Hell Doesn’t Have A Chance! It doesn’t matter what the shaking is about, our God is big enough to handle it. The devil loses again! …VB086
Husband and wife became one flesh when they accepted each other in marriage. You, as the church, are the body of Christ. As the Church is the extension of Christ, husbands and wives are an extension of each other. …VB080
We remember what George Washington said when he was inaugurated as our first president in 1789: “No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States.” …VB079
Jesus is our example – He talked to trees, wind and waves, unclean spirits, sickness and disease. He did these things as a man, anointed by the Holy Spirit. And He sent the same Spirit to us! And gave us authority to use His name! …VB056
Our Morning Devotion [Eph 1:17:23; 2:1,6] Years ago in Bible college, I read a little book called The Believer’s Authority, (Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Tulsa 1967). The book made me realize … Read More