Once we know where faith comes from, then we know how it is received. And we learn how it is nurtured, built up, and how it is energized. And when we know how it is released, then we realize victory over the enemy.
You can’t go by the way you feel. You must learn to see what the Word of God says. If God says it, you believe it! And He just now said, “whatsoever is born of God, is a world overcomer.”
So, do you want to share the gospel and witness to others, yet you hold back as if you are not sure you want to do this because of fear of rejection, or fear of failure?
We don’t have to focus on our sin in order to be saved! Confession of sin is for after we are “born-again,” when we slip and need to get back on track (1Jn 1:9). Use this podcast as tool.
Finding God’s will for our lives is not difficult when we obey the command of these two verses. It’s impossible to miss God’s will once we commit ourselves to God as living sacrifices and begin to renew our minds.
Left to our own understanding, we will think all of our plans are okay. But in the light of God’s Word, our foolishness is revealed. It is crucial that we constantly keep the light of God’s Word turned on in our lives.