VB159 Commit Your Works

Commit Your Works (Actions)

[Pr 16:3; Dt 30:19-20]

When you roll your actions over onto the Lord, your thoughts and plans will be right and aligned with God’s will for your life.

Pr 16:3 Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

Commit: from the Hebrew word, galal which means literally “to roll, roll down, roll away, remove.” One’s ways and works rolled onto (committed, entrusted) to someone (especially God)

This Hebrew word, galal would describe a camel unloading its cargo. A camel will get down on his knees, gently lean to one side, and roll over, so his master can unload his heavy burdens. Another way this word was used describes rolling a stone off of a well so that water could be drawn.

Works: in Hebrew the word ma’aseh is an action (good or bad); an activity; doing, labour, thing made, occupation, thing offered, workmanship, wrought.

Thoughts: This Hebrew word refers to intentions, or plans. It means thoughts or the inventions that spring from such thoughts. This word is talking about the thoughts of the mind, of either people (1Chr 28:9; Ps 94:11); or God (Jer 29:11; Mic 4:12); the plans or intentions that rise up from these thoughts (Pr 15:22; 19:21); the schemes of a wicked heart (Lam 3:60); or skillful inventions coming from the mind of an artist or craftman (Ex 31:4; 2 Chr. 26:15).

Established: This Hebrew word, kûn (in a causative sense) is to set up, to prepare, make provision, be or make ready, or right, to be stable, establish.

Proverbs are told in contrasting phrases, in hope that we will choose wisely. This verse is in contrast to the previous verse that tells us if we are left to our own thoughts we automatically think we are right, but God sees our heart.

We were created to be dependent on God for true direction.

Dt 30:19-20 (NIV) – This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live [20] and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

He gave us the freedom of choosing our own ways, but that’s always the wrong choice. Left to our own understanding, we will think all of our plans are okay. But in the light of God’s Word, our foolishness is revealed. It is crucial that we constantly keep the light of God’s Word turned on in our lives.

We have to have God’s input. So, here in Proverbs 16:3, Solomon told us what will happen when we subject all our actions, plans, and activities to the scrutiny of the Lord. He will weed out all the incorrect directions, and what is left will be successful and established.

Proclamation or Declaration:

I roll my work over onto the Lord, and He handles the details. He provides me with the thoughts and plans that will make me successful. Jesus makes sure my plans come to pass. The Holy Spirit weeds out all the incorrect decisions, and His expert innovations help me to establish my success.

I roll the job onto the Lord and depend upon Him for details, direction and thoughts!

God bless you my friend,

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