VB134 Perilous Times

Perilous Times

[2Tim 3:1; Mt 8:28; 16:18]

The Scriptures teach that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit happened in the last days (Acts 2:17). Therefore, if the last days began nearly 2,000 years ago, then we are certainly in the last of the last days. The characteristics of the last days that Paul listed in Second Timothy 3:1-5 definitely describe our society today.

This prophecy warns us that the last days, which are here, will be very difficult, full of great stress and trouble. Life on this earth has never been without the devil, seeking to destroy everyone he can (1Pet 5:8), but Second Timothy 3:1 makes it very clear that the last days will become even worse. The need for all believers to be strong in the Lord has never been so important.

2Tim 3:1 (KJV) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

The phrase “last days” is used twice in the Old Testament (Isa 2:2 and Mic 4:1) and four times in the New Testament (Acts 2:17, Heb 1:2, 2Pet 3:3, and here). It is also used in Jas 5:3, but it is not speaking prophetically. The phrase “latter days” is used prophetically eight times in the OT (Jer 23:20, 30:24, 48:47, 49:39; Ezek 38:16; Dan 2:28, 10:14; and Hos 3:5).

The Greek word that was translated “perilous” here is “chalepos,” (cha-le-pos’) and it means “difficult, treacherous, dangerous, or furious.”

The NIV says, “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.” The Amplified Bible says, “But understand this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear].” The New Living Translation says, “You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.”

To get a better feel for this word “chalepos,” perilous, let’s look at Matthew 8:28.

Mt 8:28 (NASB) –And when He came to the other side into the country of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men confronted Him as they were coming out of the tombs. They were so extremely violent that no one could pass by that way.

The Greek word translated “perilous” in 2Tim 3:1 is the same word here “chalepos,” but KJV translated it “exceeding fierce” and it means “difficult, treacherous, dangerous, or furious.”

Second Timothy 3:1 is telling us that exceedingly fierce times are in store for the people who live in the last days. We are living in a time that will be emotionally difficult to endure. People avoided the two demonized men because they were so treacherous. They were so uncontrollable, unpredictable, dangerous, and ferocious, that people could not emotionally cope with the situation. They only tried to avoid the situation, but with one word, Jesus delivered the two men.

The Holy Spirit used the word chalepos, to tell us in advance the characteristics of society in the last of the last days. He prophesied this so that we would not be caught off-guard. God has given us a “heads-up” in order to be prepared, established, strengthened and protected in these perilous times.

Without a close relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, people are in for a very crazy ride. We must be able to respond and not react to the mind games that are coming.

First — we must not allow fear to grip our hearts. Know who you are in Christ! We are not victims, we are the victors! We should be honored to live in these days. Fight off the fear! Cast it out of your thoughts immediately!

Instead of avoiding the dangers and staying indoors, STAND and use the authority that Jesus gave you (Lk 10:19). Don’t be paralyzed when the devil roars, CAST HIM OUT! What terrifies others should call us to action!

Mt 16:18 (KJV) And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

This statement about the gates of hell not prevailing against us shows that the church is supposed to be on the offensive, not the defensive, in our spiritual warfare. We shouldn’t be just trying to hold out behind our own defenses until Jesus comes to rescue us, but we should be pressing the battle to the very gates of hell itself. The devil and his “minions” should be in retreat and hiding behind their walls, not the church.


Lord Jesus, I pray for the multitude of hurting and confused people who are wounded by the chaos of these days. They are begging for answers to what to do as the destroyer cripples our nation, and is corrupting the minds of the population.

Lord, send strong Spirit-filled Christians to encourage the people who need to be strengthened in your Word. Lord, I thank you for time in your word. Lord, use me! Show me how I can be more effective for the kingdom. Amen.


I have not been given the spirit of fear, I have the sound mind of Christ! I am a triumphant champion in Christ (2Cor 2:14). I am blessed to have the power of God pouring through me. I fearlessly press forward and advance against the strategies of the enemy, and the church will prevail! I take a stand, and I declare that the wicked illegitimate “leaders” in our country will hear the word of the King before it’s too late for them. Jesus straightened up Gadara – the church will straighten up Washington, D. C. I speak forth in the authority of the name of Jesus. Amen.

God bless you my friend,

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