VB123 Think And Do
Think And Do
[Phil 4:7-9]
I remember my first reader, Fun With Dick And Jane. It was all about Dick, Jane, and Sally. They had a dog named Spot, and the cat called Puff. The Father and Mother were an important part of the theme as well. This series of readers included a companion work book called The Think And Do Book.
When the teacher told us to pull out our think and do books, it was almost as good as going out to recess. It was the only book we could write in!
It was an illustrated book that taught grammar. I didn’t know it at the time but that was my introduction to nouns, pronouns, verbs, and adverbs, etc. We were to study the illustrations and circle the one that showed action. Or fill in the blank by selecting and underlining a word. The teacher would grade the completed pages in the book.
This was ages ago, when we prayed in school and pledged allegiance to the flag. Years flew by, and now the Bible is my think and do book. I underline and circle things that I learn and do.
If people don’t know what to think, they’ll never know what to do.
The apostle Paul used lists in his teaching. Pulling this verse out by itself, for study, is difficult because it is a list within a list. Anyway, we know the Holy Spirit wants to bless us with the Word!
Paul is about to wrap things up here with one of his lists. It’s interesting that as Paul uses “whatsoever” to introduce each item in this list. And in the Greek this word “whatsoever” is plural, which suggests that several things could be included under each heading.
Phil 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
Phil 4:8 (NASB) …let your mind dwell on these things.
Dwell: is a verb that means to commit to a long-term way of doing something. A command to keep on doing an action, as a life style.
Believers must dwell on these 8 categories of things. It must be a part of a Bible believer’s lifestyle to think on these things. Thinking on these things is a prerequisite to experience the peace of God and having freedom from anxiety:
Phil 4:9 (NASB) The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
The presence of the God of peace is with you when your thought life is right with God.
The consequence of dwelling on unholy things of the world is that joy, nearness and peace of God are lost and our hearts are no longer guarded, verse 7 tells us this.
Phil 4:7 (NASB) And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
When you allow yourself to think ugly thoughts, you have let your guard down, and given the enemy access to your mind. Then temptation comes and bad things happen. Dwell on things that are:
True: Not concealing, but true, truly think and speak the truth.
Honest: Venerable, honorable, sometimes the Bible calls this grave.
Just: is equitable in character or actions, think innocent, holy or right.
Pure: is clean, innocent, modest, chaste.
Lovely: Think friendly thoughts towards others.
Good Report: Something or someone well spoken of, reputable.
Virtue: Excellence.
Praise: Commendable thoughts, praise.
Think and do what the Bible says by following Paul’s advice.
Phil 4:9 (NASB) The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Practice (or Do in KJV) Not only are believers to think on what are in these 8 categories (Phil 4:8), but we are to do the things we have learned.
Phil 4:9 (AMP) –Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you.
Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, right, pure, lovely, and reputable. If there is excellence – things that are praiseworthy, these are what I am determined to think about all the time. They are my lifestyle.
I govern my behavior on things which I have learned and received from my Bible, and my God of peace – untroubled, undisturbed well-being is always with me. Thank God for clear instructions on everything I need in life.
Make the Bible your think and do book.
God bless you my friend,