VB086 Holy Spirit’s Tsunami

Holy Spirit’s Tsunami

Some prophecies are coming together from several dreams and visions of several men of God. I want to share with you a synopsis of a message I heard on Sunday, August 20th, 2023 by Tim Sheets at Oasis Church.*

Be ready to stand in victory. We are about to be in for a violent shaking and a reset is coming! But we win! The shaking will cause a Tsunami in the spirit realm.

When we speak God’s words we are planting incorruptible seeds. Those seeds sprout and grow up to become whatever our faith decree authorized or commanded. We are planting into earth heavenly forces that grow into physical substances. Our authoritative words, spoken in obedience, propel the power of God into the physical realm. It is our business to seed God’s will into the heavenlies, and into the earth realm.

Thousands upon thousands of seeds previously planted are coming to fruition. A great harvest of God’s purpose will cause a shaking and an awakening in the earth. This is the fullness of time. A time for radical changes to take place.

The spiritual tsunami will wash away evil and corruption. As it returns to the sea it will unveil that which is good. A reset is coming to America. A reset to covenant roots. The shaking will cause the tsunami, the tsunami will wash away evil, and the good will remain, causing a great reset. God is taking out the trash!

The devil’s castles and strongholds will be washed away! After the garbage is carried out, we will begin to hear the sounds of revival!

God birthed this nation with covenant words and He will not lose it. Hell Doesn’t Have A Chance! It doesn’t matter what the shaking is about, our God is big enough to handle it. The devil loses again! The gates of hell will not prevail!

Evil has built on sand and the spiritual tsunami will wash it away! God is not retired. Trust in God, His kingdom cannot be shaken (Heb 12:28). It is time to partner with angel armies and do battle. It is time for the roar of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. America is His territory and it will be saved! The shaking will cause a reset to the covenant roots of our nation.

Our Prayer:

Lord, we trust you and what you have said. We declare what you have told us. Our faith is not in a government, it is in you. Our confidence is in you and we are confident that hell does not have a chance.

Shake Baal’s system to the ground! Shake it in the media. Shake it in our congress, in the capital, in the White House – reset it all Lord. Let the tsunami rise and wipe it out! Thank you, Lord, that our faith arises and our faith is not shaken as Your kingdom expands in awesome power and authority. We will stand strong and not flinch. We will see the salvation of our God. Hallelujah!

We won’t listen to known liars. They lie, smile, and lie some more. We will not listen to those who are declaring unbelief into our nation. We are careful who we listen to. The remnant understands the atmosphere of truth. We pray and are not shaken. Holy Spirit gives us words to pray. We press in to God, we look and listen vertically not horizontally. It’s not going to be a cake walk, but we are going through, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

God bless you my friend,

*Oasis Church https://www.oasiswired.org/

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