VB065 God Hates Worry!

God Hates Worry!

[1Pet 5:7]

Jesus preached against it. Paul preached against it. The whole Bible is violently against worry, because it was designed by the devil. Satan uses worry to produce stress, suffering, and death.

Many people act as if worry was an option, as if you are free to worry if you want to. But we are not supposed to worry. Worrying is a sin! Worry is one of many things that the Word of God strictly commands us not to do.

Well then, what are we supposed to do about all the problems and concerns we have? Look what the Bible says about them. Do you trust God’s Word? Paul said in First Peter 5:7 “Cast all your cares upon Him.” Not 60 percent of them. All! That leaves out the option of worrying about your kids. Cast all your cares on Him!

One of your early morning confessions should be, “I do not have a worry! I cast all my cares upon my Lord, who cares for me.”

I have heard this illustration on how it works: If you were 20 feet away from me and I tossed my car keys to you. Then if another person came up to me and asked me for my keys, so they could borrow my car, I would say, “I can’t loan you my car. I have cast my keys over to him. I don’t have them anymore.”

That’s what you need to do with your worries. Cast them over to the Lord and don’t take them back. If the devil gives you a worried thought like, “How are you going to pay your bills if you lose your job?” You can tell him, “Talk to Jesus about it – it’s in His hands, not mine.”

When you do that, things will begin to change in your life. Things you have stressed about for years will start being solved. Your faith will be at work – not your worries and doubts. God will not take your worries and cares for you. You have to give them to Him, by faith. Casting your cares on Jesus is an act of faith.


Father, I thank You. I can cast all my cares on Jesus. Praise You Lord for caring for me. Holy Spirit, I apologize, I didn’t realize that worry was a sin. I know now, that I must operate in faith in this area of my life. Thank you Jesus that I never have to worry again!



I do not have a worry! I cast all my cares upon my Lord, who cares for me. I am the one responsible for keeping my thoughts under control. It is up to me to walk in faith, concerning stress and worries that come to my mind. I cast down vain imaginations of worries and cares in my life – God cares for me!

Devil, you will have to talk to Jesus about the things in my life that you want me to worry about. I gave it all to Him, and you will not get my attention about it. Now git! In the Name of Jesus!

God bless you my friend,

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