VB027 Happy Independence Day!
Happy Fourth of July!
Victory Briefings comes to you with flags waving and a shout of victory! Where we use the Word of God for a victorious life!
Happy Independence Day! Is there a better time to be bold about your freedom, your country, and your independence? Today I bring you variety. Some headlines selected from news sites that scroll across the top of our website. I think you will agree that celebration is in order!
The Supreme Court Sides With Praying Football Coach in Game-Changing Win for Christians
As the Supreme Court has been wrapping up its term, its decision in the case of Kennedy v. Bremerton School District is a landmark in the American principles of religious freedom and free speech.
In a groundbreaking decision on June 27, the court ruled in favor of a former high school football coach who prayed in public after games — and lost his job over it.
The 6-3 decision was clear: “The Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the First Amendment protect an individual engaging in a personal religious observance from government reprisal,” the ruling stated, “the Constitution neither mandates nor permits the government to suppress such religious expression.”
Coach Kennedy can resume his practice of praying after school games at the 50-yard line.
It is interesting that even Lame Stream Networks are reporting this. Perhaps the Left is using it to appear righteous to regain some votes.
Election integrity is a state by state battle. Missouri passed strong reforms this week. In addition to Voter ID, the legislation also bars the use of electronic vote counting machines and drop boxes to collect ballots.
Missouri enacts photo voter ID law before November elections
Missouri voters will have to show photo identification to cast a regular ballot in the November election as a result of a law signed Wednesday by Gov. Mike Parson that caps a nearly two-decade-long push by Republicans for stricter voting requirements.
It comes amid a renewed national emphasis on election laws. Democrats in many states have sought to expand voter access following widespread mail-in voting during the pandemic-affected 2020 elections while many Republicans have pursued new voting restrictions that they contend would cut down on the potential for fraud.
Missouri’s measure was backed by Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft. who called it “one of the strongest election laws in the country. It makes sure that it’s easy to vote, it’s harder to cheat and the people can have trust in the results.”
Seventeen states besides Missouri had voter photo identification laws in effect as of this spring, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, and 19 states had identification laws that accepted proof other than photos.
This decision provides legislators with the ability to defend the laws they pass when challenged in court.
This Supreme Court Ruling Will Prove Vital to Defending Voter ID
The Supreme Court’s important ruling last week on voter ID in North Carolina has been overlooked in the fervor over the high court’s spot-on decisions upholding the Second Amendment and religious freedom and overruling Roe v. Wade.
But the court’s procedural decision Thursday in Berger v. NAACP will help prevent state officials from sabotaging the defense of state election laws and other measures being attacked by their political allies and friends.
The Berger decision did not uphold the constitutionality of North Carolina’s new voter ID law, since that issue was not before the court. But in an 8-1 decision written by Justice Neil Gorsuch, the court held that state legislative leaders in North Carolina have the right to intervene in litigation to defend the constitutionality of the state’s voter ID law.
This is particularly important in a state with divided government. In North Carolina, the state Legislature is controlled by Republicans, while the governor and attorney general are Democrats who oppose any type of voter ID requirement.
University That Employs Clarence Thomas Shuts Down Students’ Attempt to Remove Him from Teaching Position
The college at which Justice Clarence Thomas teaches law will not cave into a petition calling for his removal as an adjunct professor.
George Washington University on Tuesday said it will not boot Thomas, who last week concurred in the Supreme Court opinion that overturned the Roe v. Wade ruling, according to The Hill.
“Because we steadfastly support the robust exchange of ideas and deliberation and because debate is an essential part of our university’s academic and educational mission to train future leaders who are prepared to address the world’s most urgent problems, the university will neither terminate Justices Thomas’ employment nor cancel his class in response to his legal opinions,” the college said in a letter sent to students. “Just as we affirm our commitment to academic freedom, we affirm the right of all members of our community to voice their opinions and contribute to the critical discussion that are foundational to our academic mission,” the letter said.
These days it is rare to see a major company fighting back against the left.
One American Gun Manufacturer Is Fighting Back Against the Left’s Wrath
Like many businesses, America’s gun manufacturers are feeling the deleterious effects of Bidenflation. Gun manufacturers, however, are additionally subject to the left’s ire and misplaced wrath over “gun violence.” After most horrific shooting tragedies, that wrath comes with the inevitably hysterical demands to ban “assault” guns and add even more stringent federal regulations on gun ownership while simultaneously vilifying all gun owners along with the entire gun industry and its workers.
At long last, one American gun manufacturer, Smith & Wesson, has had enough. Smith & Wesson – one of America’s oldest gun manufacturers since 1852 – is hitting back against the left’s gun hysteria and villainization in no uncertain terms.
Smith & Wesson’s just-released “Who We Are” video hits back by clearly defining not only who they are as a company but, more importantly, who their employees are – hardworking, freedom-loving Americans. No more will Smith & Wesson allow the left to define or distort who they are. They are proud of their company and their product. They’re proud of their employees, and they’re proud of who they are as Americans.
The Second Amendment has taken a beating from the Washington cronies but it’s still alive and well!
For the FIRST TIME in history, the Supreme Court has recognized the constitutional right to carry a firearm in public for self-defense.
The elites’ gun-grabbing scheme is not going over as planned…
We’ve made our voices heard, fought for the right to self-defense, and made it clear that we will not give in to the pressures.
Help us continue spreading this message through the halls of Congress by supporting The Convention of States. Your ongoing support enables us to actively fight the swamp and work towards long-term, effective solutions to government power abuses.
After many disappointments (thanks to media censorship and the Democrat-dominated Congress), the recent triumphs in the Supreme Court could not be more promising.
Remember how “Befuddled Biden” has repeatedly said the Second Amendment is not absolute?
Well, how about he recognizes this right is absolute – absolutely necessary to fight tyranny.
We prefer to not end up like Australia, which is why we are insistent on not giving an inch… because they WILL take a mile.
If the politicians are protected in the U.S. Capitol with firearms, We the People are going to keep protecting ourselves with firearms as well.
Here are a few reasons why we love America:
We love the flag. It is so simply beautiful. It is cheerful and optimistic. It is just cloth but such a hopeful piece of fabric. Fly your flag this weekend – and from now on. Even if it is only a small one, put it where others can see it.
We love that America takes care of the world. While we get little or no credit or thanks, often we get only criticism, we still do it. We are always there to help with all of our resources. America is the most generous country on Earth, and Americans are the most generous people. We have given more to help others in the world in every way than any other people.
We love our history. The old fashion kind we learned in school before political correctness and CRT. We love all of those Founding Fathers, who with all of their own prejudices and flaws found divine inspiration and created a framework for and built a nation that affords freedom to men and women of all colors and creeds to a greater degree than even they might have imagined.
We love that America was one of the very first nations in the world to put an end to slavery. The story of slavery in America was no different than many other places, except that we stopped sooner. It still needs to be stopped everywhere, and we as a country need to take a stand against it everywhere – including China. These facts need to be included whenever the topic comes up.
Here is how the Holy Spirit has worked in past few weeks:
I have read Dutch Sheets since I was introduced to his ministry in 1992. Recently, I could not find my copy of Watchman Prayer, so I went to dutchsheets.org and ordered it. Dutch is one of a few people I know of who really understands the power of words and proclamations.
While I was re-reading that book and praying, a friend alerted me to a prophecy through Tim Sheets, Dutch’s brother. It is a video called, Prophetic Word: Proceed! It is on the sidebar of our website for you to watch. Tim is a powerful example of a watchman.
Deb and I have been praying for more saints to realize the power of prayer, especially concerning speaking God’s Word. That’s the general idea of VictoryBriefings.Net. It’s what we do. Because God’s words created the universe, and we were created in God’s image, our words are powerful. If we rebuke the enemy with God’s Word like Jesus did, we too will have victorious results. Evil words are trying to destroy our country, and our strong words can get her back on track. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you while we’re in this wilderness.
We have been speaking with authority to the seven mountains (or high places and systems of influence; the media, business/finance, family, education, politics, arts/entertainment and religion) for a long time. We know the power of agreement concerning prayer and proclamations. I had almost grown weary listening to our friends on The Victory Channel’s FlashPoint program saying, “Keep standing…, Don’t cave in…, Pray and get involved…,” etc. I longed for them to give instruction on proclamations and decrees – get the viewers to using the Word of God for a victorious life!
We began to see this taking hold in the FlashPoint Live meetings. Proclamations were a breakthrough at Tulsa. Then Gene Bailey and Dutch Sheets developed the Watchman Decree to be implemented in Atlanta – man, what a powerful meeting! Hearing thousands of believers declaring God’s Word in the face of the devil is awesome.
FlashPoint gave an aggravated army a powerful weapon for battle!
Jesus delegated authority to us. Together we can pull down the strongholds and evil forces that are driving our government, and God can save our nation. There is not time to be downcast and speak negative words. Now there are thousands of us shouting fourth words of victory, right into the face of the enemy! You don’t need a stage and a microphone to agree and decree what you stand for and pray for. Download and print your copy of the Watchman Decree and join us on the wall.
Remember we are not “bombarding the gates of heaven,” trying to get God to do something. We enter His gates with thanksgiving. We are are pulling down strongholds and barriers with authority over the devil. And the gates of hell will not prevail!
Read along with me and decree OUT LOUD as you listen to me read the Watchman Decree on the last half of the podcast.
God bless you my friend,