Jesus has satisfied and covered all the sin of the world. All the people in lawlessness, those who lie, everyone who cheats and steals can be saved, in Jesus’ name, by faith. If they receive Jesus as Lord, they shall be saved!
God provides “everything pertaining to life.” True knowledge is faith in Jesus Christ that effects daily living. Believers have all they need spiritually in Christ! We don’t need to look any place else for a deeper truth experience! …VB151
By an act of faith, you begin to think not of your sins and shortcomings, but of your righteousness in Christ. God has forgotten your sins. Why should you continue to think about being unworthy? …VB150
Righteousness is received when you are born again. Because many have not understood the righteousness of God which is by faith, they have failed to experience the full joy of God’s gift. This lack of knowledge causes you to walk in fear, guilt, condemnation and a sense of inferiority. …VB149
Anyone who doesn’t understand that we have been without a commander-in-chief during the Biden/Harris so-called “administration” has been sadly deceived. …VB148
Believers are delivered from the present evil age just as sure as we are saved from Hell! Believe and receive NOW! You don’t have to wait till you die and go to heaven! Ages and time-frames overlap. God’s gifts and authority is for now – when you need it. …VB147