P021 St. Thomas Day?

St. Thomas Day?

[2Tim 1:7]

We live in troublesome times. The Chinese Communist Party has taken over our government. For over a year a bug has been in charge of our world. The Covid regime is being led and controlled by a virus of fear. Lawlessness seems to have prevailed. Evil laws are quickly replacing righteousness and forcing sinful corrupt behavior to abound.

I could go on and on with the hideous details, but we believers must focus on spiritual things. We must rebound in the spirit of power and joy, and be thankful we live in these last of the last days. We have the answer living on the inside of us. The devil has played his hand and now it is our deal.

We think we are going through some crazy days, but try to imagine what the disciples went through when it appeared that their Lord had been overtaken by evil. They were accustomed to seeing miracles and hearing the kingdom of heaven proclaimed. The disciples had been trained and conditioned in faith. And then to hear the Lord falsely accused and to see Him hated by the religious and civil leaders. When the disciples saw Jesus tortured and finally murdered, it must have been extremely painful and confusing. It was the darkest of days.

Thomas was ingrained with visions of hypocrisy of government and lies in the news he had been hearing. What he had witnessed for three years had been dashed. His faith was beat up and destroyed. Thomas had almost lost his memory of blessing and hope. He had seen his Master’s kindness and gentleness. He was used to seeing Jesus come out on top of every argument against His ministry. And now this! How could this happen? It was all gone! Thomas’ faith had been distorted by a spirit of fear. He was depending on what he could see, hear and feel.

When the enemy thinks he has won, it is a good time to take him out. Things are different now, we have the resurrection power living inside of us. We have the authority to use the name of Jesus! There is nothing too difficult for God, working through spirit-filled believers. His redemption plan for the world of sin is still at work in you and me. No matter how bad things look or feel, God can turn it around. If the steps we take and words we speak are in Him, in the Spirit, then He can use us to accomplish the victory.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2Tim 1:7).

None of the disciples were ready and waiting for the resurrection, even though Jesus had instructed them in detail. Now, our faith is being tested. We must ask ourselves if we are going to have a Resurrection Sunday or will it be a Saint Thomas Day?

Will we be ready for what God has in store for us, or will we be influenced only by what we see and hear in the world? We have been redeemed out of the world system and into His glorious kingdom. You and I must trust in the Lord like never before. These dark days will come to a close, and one way or another we will see the glory of our Lord.

I choose to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ!

God bless you my friend,

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